
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Political Parties of the USA

In the USA every four years a person will run for president in the United States of America. This person is called a candidate. But you also need to know what party they run for. The United States has political parties, each party focus' on different issues. Some parties may have the same issue for a different reason. Here are the most common political parties:






You probably heard of these parties right. The two most common are Republican and Democrat. 
The definitions for each party are:

Republican-  tend to take a more traditionalist stand on issues. They believe that the federal government should not be a big part in people's lives. Most Republicans like lower taxes and less government spending on social programs.

Democrat - Democrats tend to take a more liberal stand on important issues. They believe that the federal government should take a more of a role in people's lives, even those who are in need.

Libertarian- States that stands for civil liberties, non-interventionism, laissez-faire capitalism and the abolition of the welfare state.

Constitution- believes to limiting the federal government to its expressed constitutional boundaries. It is an clearly Christian party that believes the political rights of Americans comes from God.

Green- Believes in nonviolence, and makes the environment their main focus. 

I got some of my sources from scholastic and Wikipedia for definitions of parties. I Change the wording a bit.

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