You probably heard of these parties right. The two most common are Republican and Democrat.
The definitions for each party are:
Republican- tend to take a more traditionalist stand on issues. They believe that the federal government should not be a big part in people's lives. Most Republicans like lower taxes and less government spending on social programs.
Democrat - Democrats tend to take a more liberal stand on important issues. They believe that the federal government should take a more of a role in people's lives, even those who are in need.
Libertarian- States that stands for civil liberties, non-interventionism, laissez-faire capitalism and the abolition of the welfare state.
Constitution- believes to limiting the federal government to its expressed constitutional boundaries. It is an clearly Christian party that believes the political rights of Americans comes from God.
Green- Believes in nonviolence, and makes the environment their main focus.
I got some of my sources from scholastic and Wikipedia for definitions of parties. I Change the wording a bit.
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